Bad boy WhatsApp status video editing

 Bad boy WhatsApp status video editing

Hai Friends welcome to i5editz this is your Vamshi today i  create a boy’s attitude video editing tutorial this type of videos trending in Instagram so create same useing your photos          definitely get best response from your views and small request to share thes article and subscribe my channel 

In this video preview available on  my Instagram official page i5editz and telegram channel i5editz please follow them dont forget to subscribe my channel

This video editing required all material download links given in this article if you want any material download it

This video editing I choose stylish star Allu Arjun photos   

This attitude  Bgm perfect stylish star this video editing required application is alight motion if you don’t have alight motion app install from Google Play Store


Download Now

This video editing we need song beat this song beat preset file open only alight motion app so Frist download AlightMotion app once song beat preset complete open file hear I am already create beat mark

Now select your photos from your phone gallery I am set photos between redline beat mark s and select photo zoom photo as per ratio select all photos in way


This video editing totally use 4phote shake effects   this shake effect preset file download link given below this 4 shake effect  given one preset so once complete download watch video tutorial first and copy photo effects past one by one carefully


If any reason this preset file not opening in your mobile download letest version alight motion or open XML preset file XML preset file available on my telegram channel i5 editz

YouTube video :

This video is allready upload my official YouTube channel i5editz please watch video and subscribe my channel and forget like


This video editing I am use colour lighting somke effect template this template Avery professional out put download link given below you can also customise this template you don’t like this template use other template also your interest


Complete above process video created is complete now save your video 1080p Full HD quality then is not export try 720p HD quality

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